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SEO Redirects 101: Comprehensive Guide For SEO And User Experience

Ever clicked a link only to hit a “404 Page Not Found” error? It’s frustrating! These broken links hurt your website. SEO Redirects are the solution. They guide visitors and search engines to the right content, keeping your experience smooth and your website healthy.

What Is A Redirect?

A redirect is a website instruction that automatically sends a visitor or search engine from an old URL to a new one.  This happens seamlessly behind the scenes, ensuring users always reach the intended content.

Why Are Redirects Important?

Redirects are essential for a healthy website. Here’s why:

For Search Engines (SEO):

For Users (UX):

  • Seamless experience: No one likes broken links! SEO Redirects ensure users always find the content they’re looking for.
  • Maintains trust: A website with many errors looks unprofessional. Redirects help create a positive user experience and build trust.

When To Use Redirects

301 vs 302 Redirect Decision Flowchart

Redirects are versatile tools that can solve various website challenges. Here are the most common use cases:

Website Migrations

When you move your entire website to a new domain or make significant structural changes, redirects are crucial. They ensure all your old links continue to work, preserving your hard-earned search engine rankings and providing a seamless experience for visitors.

Fixing Broken Links

Broken links hurt both user experience and SEO. Whether the broken link is on your website or an external site linking to you, redirects can be used to send users and search engines to the correct or updated content.

Content Changes

If you merge pages, update URL structures to be more SEO-friendly, or remove outdated content, redirects help smooth the transition. They prevent dead ends and ensure users always find what they need.

Temporary Removals

Need to take a page down for maintenance or updates? A temporary redirect lets you set up an alternative landing page. This avoids frustrating users and informs them of when the content will become available again.

A/B Testing

Want to experiment with different page versions to see which performs better? Redirects can help you split traffic between variations, without causing duplicate content issues for search engines.

Types Of Redirects

Choosing the right redirect type is crucial for both SEO and user experience. Here’s a breakdown of the most common types, with examples to clarify their use:

1. 301 (Permanent Redirect)

This is the most powerful redirect for SEO. It signals to search engines, “This page has permanently moved to a new address. Please update your links and pass all ranking power to the new location.”

Best for:

  • Website migrations: You’ve changed your domain (e.g., from example.com to xyz.com).
  • Content consolidation: You’ve merged two similar pages into a single, more comprehensive one.
  • URL Structure changes: You’ve updated your URLs for better organization or SEO (e.g., changed a messy URL to a keyword-focused one).


Imagine you have a blog post titled “Best Dog Toys of 2021” at pet.com/dog-toys-2021/ but later create a more comprehensive guide titled “The Ultimate Guide to Choosing Dog Toys” at pet.com/guide-to-dog-toys/. You can use a 301 redirect to ensure anyone visiting the old URL automatically lands on the new, updated guide. This preserves SEO value and avoids confusing users with a dead end.

2. 302 (Temporary Redirect)

Indicates to search engines, “This content is temporarily unavailable, but it will be back. Please hold on to the old URL and check again later.

Best for:

  • Maintenance: Your online store is undergoing maintenance to update product listings, but will be live again soon.
  • Temporary removals: A particular product on your clothing store’s website is out of stock. You can use a 302 redirect to send users to a general “Out of Stock” page until the item becomes available again.
  • A/B Testing: You’re experimenting with two versions of your homepage to see which one converts better. A 302 redirect helps you split user traffic between the variations.


3. Other Redirect Types (307, 308)

These are less common but are also used for temporary (307) and permanent (308) redirects. Their core function is the same as 302 and 301, respectively, but with technical differences in how they handle browser requests.

When They Matter

Most website owners don’t need to worry about these directly. They become important in complex website setups or when dealing with specific HTTP request methods.

4. Meta Refresh

A Meta Refresh is a line of code added to a webpage’s HTML. It instructs the user’s browser to automatically redirect to a different page after a set delay (e.g., “Redirecting you in 5 seconds…”).

Why It’s Less Ideal For SEO:

  • Confusing search engines: Search engines may not always follow Meta Refreshes the same way they do server-side redirects.
  • Potential bad user experience: Delayed redirects can frustrate users if the waiting time is too long.

Limited Use Cases

Meta Refreshes can be useful in very specific situations, such as redirecting from a temporary error page after a technical glitch is resolved. However, server-side redirects are generally preferred for SEO and user experience.

How To Implement Redirects

The best way to implement redirects depends on your website’s setup and your technical comfort level. Here’s a breakdown of the most common methods:

Server-Side Redirects (.htaccess and Beyond)

  • Best for: Most SEO-related redirects (301, 302, etc.), as they are the most reliable for search engines.
  • How it works: You’ll edit configuration files on your web server. The most common file for Apache servers is “.htaccess”. Other server environments (like Nginx) have equivalent files.
  • Example (.htaccess):
Redirect 301 /old-page.html http://www.example.com/new-page.html
  • Explanation: This code tells the server: “If someone requests http://www.example.com/old-page.html, permanently (301) send them to http://www.example.com/new-page.html.”
  • Real-life Scenario: You’ve updated your blog’s URL structure from date-based to keyword-focused. To ensure old links still work, you’d use .htaccess redirects.
  • How-To:
    • Important: Always back up your .htaccess file before editing.
    • Most web hosts provide access to your files via an FTP client or a file manager within your hosting control panel.
    • Search for guides: Look for specific instructions based on your hosting provider and server setup (e.g., “edit .htaccess in cPanel”).

CMS Plugins and Tools

  • Best for: Non-technical website owners or websites built on popular content management systems (CMS).
  • How it works: Plugins add a user-friendly interface within your website’s admin area to set up and manage redirects without editing code.
  • Popular Plugins:
  • Real-life scenario: You’ve deleted an outdated product page on your Shopify store. A redirect plugin lets you send visitors to a related product or your general shop category, avoiding a 404 error.
  • How-To:
    • Search the plugin directory within your CMS.
    • Install and activate: Follow the plugin’s instructions for creating redirects.

JavaScript Redirects

Best for: Very specific, temporary use cases within a single webpage.

Important: Generally less preferred for SEO than server-side methods, as search engines may not process them the same way.


  • Real-life scenario: You have a temporary “Coming Soon” page and want to automatically redirect visitors to your full website after a set time delay.
  • Note: If your redirect needs to be permanent and impact SEO, focus on the server-side or CMS plugin options.

Additional Considerations

  • Large-Scale Redirects: If you have many redirects to manage (e.g., entire site migration), there are tools that help create redirect maps for efficient implementation.
  • Always Test: After setting up any redirect, test thoroughly by visiting the old URL. It should seamlessly take you to the intended new page.

Best Practices For Redirects

Follow these guidelines to make your redirects work effectively, maintain SEO health, and ensure a positive user experience:

Planning is Key

Careful planning prevents headaches and errors, especially for large-scale site migrations or complex redirect scenarios. Create a spreadsheet or use a dedicated tool to map your old URLs and their corresponding new destinations. This ensures you don’t miss any critical redirects.

Choose the Right Type

  • 301 (Permanent): Use this for permanent changes to pass the most “link juice” and SEO value to the new pages. This signals to search engines that the old page is gone, and the new one is its definitive replacement.
  • 302 (Temporary): Use this for planned maintenance, out-of-stock products, A/B testing variations, or other scenarios where the old URL will return.
  • 307 (Temporary): Less common, but used when it’s important to preserve the HTTP request method (e.g., POST). For most situations, a 302 will suffice.

Avoid Meta Refreshes for Core SEO Redirects

Server-side redirects (301, 302, etc.) are the preferred method for both search engines and user experience. Meta Refreshes can be unreliable for SEO and can sometimes create a frustrating delay for visitors.

Test, Test, Test

Never assume your redirects work perfectly! Thoroughly test after implementation and check for:

  • Broken links: Do the old URLs correctly take you to the intended new pages?
  • Redirect chains: Are there multiple redirects happening in a row? This can slow things down.
  • Plugin conflicts: Website updates or new plugins can sometimes break existing redirects.

Avoid Redirect Chains and Loops

Redirect chains (one URL redirecting to another, which then redirects again) and loops (URLs redirecting back to themselves) create a poor user experience and can confuse search engines. Aim for direct, single redirects whenever possible.

Monitor and Update

Redirects aren’t a “set it and forget it” solution. Periodically use a crawling tool to find broken redirects, and reassess if temporary redirects (302) should become permanent (301).

Tools for Large Sites

If you’re dealing with hundreds or thousands of redirects, use dedicated redirect mapping tools to streamline the process. These tools help visualize your redirects, catch errors, and manage them efficiently.

Additional Tips:

  • Don’t Redirect Everything: Unnecessary redirects create clutter. Focus on important URLs.
  • Keep Users Informed (Optional): If a redirect is temporary, consider a brief, non-intrusive message on the new page explaining the situation (e.g., “You’ve been redirected because this page is undergoing maintenance”).

Advanced Redirects & Troubleshooting

Even well-planned redirects can sometimes cause headaches. In this section, we’ll explore solutions to common redirect problems and advanced scenarios to keep your website running smoothly.

Specific Use Case Scenarios

Let’s look at some common situations where redirects are essential:

Domain Changes

  • Why it Matters: Moving your website to a brand-new domain (like switching from example.com to xyz.com, requires redirects to protect your search rankings.
  • The Goal: Help search engines and visitors smoothly transition to the new domain.

The Process:

  • Carefully plan which old URLs will redirect to which new ones.
  • Use 301 redirects (at the server level, if possible).
  • Update all the links within your own site to point to the new URLs.
  • Notify search engines (Google Search Console, etc.) about the change.

Content Consolidation

  • When to Use It: You might merge two similar articles into one or significantly update an outdated page.
  • Best Practice: Use 301 redirects to point all the old URLs to the single, most up-to-date page.
  • Don’t Forget: Update any links on your site that were previously pointing to the old content.

Troubleshooting Redirects

Redirect Chains

These happen when a URL redirects to another, which then redirects again. This can harm performance and confuse search engines.

  • The Fix: Simplify your redirects. Make the initial old URL redirect directly to the final, new destination.

Redirect Loops

This is where a URL redirects back to itself, causing an infinite loop.

  • The Fix: Identify the correct, intended page for that URL. Ensure all redirects point directly to it and remove the looping redirect.

Linking to Pages with Redirects

Outdated internal links can still point to old URLs that are now redirected.

  • The Fix: Update your website’s internal links to point directly to the new, final URLs. This avoids unnecessary redirects for users.

Testing Tip: Paste the old URL into your browser. You should land on the correct, new page after a single redirect. If you see multiple redirects or errors, further investigation is needed.


  • Web Crawling Tools: Tools like Screaming Frog, Semrush, or Ahrefs can help identify redirect chains, loops, and other issues at scale.
  • Browser Developer Tools: The “Network” tab can show you the redirect path a specific URL takes, which is valuable for debugging.

Technical Considerations

Sometimes, you need to go beyond basic .htaccess redirects. Here’s what to keep in mind:

Server-side Examples (Beyond .htaccess)

  • Nginx: If you use Nginx, you’ll need to add redirects within your server configuration. Here’s a simple 301 redirect example:


Example of a Nginx 301 Redirect:

      server {
        # ... other configurations
        location /old-page/ {
          return 301 https://www.example.com/new-page/;
  • IIS (Microsoft): You can create redirect rules with the URL Rewrite Module or adjust your web.config file. Here’s how to do it using the URL Rewrite Module:
    • Install the module: Download and install it if you haven’t already.
    • Create a rule: In IIS Manager, go to your website, open “URL Rewrite,” and create a new rule with settings like these:
      1. Match URL: Requested URL: Matches the Pattern / Using: Regular Expressions / Pattern: ^old-page/$
      2. Action: Action Type: Redirect / Redirect URL: http://www.example.com/new-page/ / Redirect Type: Permanent (301)
  • Regex Redirects (Use with Caution)
    • What They Do: Regex (regular expressions) lets you create powerful redirects based on patterns, perfect for complex scenarios.
    • Example: Redirecting an entire old directory structure to a new one.
    • Caution: Regex redirects are easy to mess up! Use them only if you’re comfortable with the syntax, and test thoroughly.


  • Ensure you place these code examples in the correct location within your server’s configuration.

Redirects, SEO, And User Experience

Redirects aren’t just a technical detail; they have a significant impact on how search engines understand your website and how visitors interact with it. Let’s explore how to use them to your advantage.

SEO Deep Dive

Let’s check how redirects impact your website’s SEO:

Impact on Crawl Budget

  • Understanding Crawl Budget: Think of crawl budget as the amount of time and attention search engines like Google dedicate to exploring your website. Redirects consume some of this budget.
  • Prioritize Your Content: Ensure search engines spend their time indexing your most important pages by using redirects strategically, especially on large websites.
  • Best Practices: Minimize the number of redirects, avoid chains, and stay on top of any redirect issues.

Redirects and Page Speed

  • The Performance Factor: Every redirect adds a tiny bit to a page’s load time. Multiple redirects in a row can slow things down noticeably.
  • Streamline for Speed: Make your redirects as direct as possible. For high-traffic pages, even slight speed improvements make a difference.

User Experience

Custom 404 pages are not just a technical necessity. They improve the user experience.

  • Beyond “Not Found”: Generic “Page Not Found” errors leave visitors frustrated. A well-crafted 404 page turns this into an opportunity to guide them.
  • Elements of Success:
    • Clear & Apologetic Message: Acknowledge the broken link, even consider a bit of humor (aligning with your brand’s voice).
    • Search Functionality: Help users find what they’re looking for directly from the 404 page.
    • Links to Popular Pages: Provide easy access to your homepage, product sections, or contact form.
    • On-Brand Design: Keep the look and feel consistent with the rest of your site.

Example: Companies like Blizzard Entertainment are known for their creative and helpful 404 pages.



Redirects might seem deceptively simple, but they have a major impact on your website’s health and the overall experience for visitors. By understanding the best practices, choosing the correct redirect types, and keeping both search engines and users in mind, you’ll ensure:

  • SEO Success: Your hard-earned search rankings are preserved when you update content or migrate to a new domain.
  • Seamless User Experience: Visitors avoid the frustration of broken links and are effortlessly guided to the content they need.
  • Website Efficiency: Performance stays optimized by minimizing unnecessary redirects.

Remember, redirects are an ongoing part of website maintenance. Proactively plan your redirects and regularly check for issues to keep your website easily navigable for both humans and search engines.

Frequently Asked Questions

My site is small. Do I really need to bother with redirects?

Yes! Even small sites benefit from redirects after deleting pages or making minor URL changes.

I heard meta refresh redirects are bad. Is that true?

Mostly true. Search engines prefer 301 or 302 redirects for most situations.

How many redirects in a row are too many?

Aim for one, maybe two at most. Chains of redirects hurt speed and can confuse search engines.

Oops, I have a redirect loop. How do I fix that?

Find the looping URL and fix it to point to the final, correct page directly.

What if I don't have time for fancy custom 404 pages?

At the very least, include a brief apology and a link back to your homepage.

Top 30+ Content Marketing Tools to Watch in 2025 (Updated List)

As we are in 2025, the online world is changing fast. In content marketing, keeping up with these changes is really important. The key? Having the right tools.

Considering that content marketing is used by 82% of companies, having numerous tools and software solutions is a game-changer. They help you make good content and check how well it’s doing. We need these tools to stay on top of our game.

This article is all about the top 34 best content marketing tools you should look out for in 2025. These tools will help you do better in the fast-paced online world. We’ll explore what each tool does and why it’s useful.

Get ready to learn about these cool tools. They might just be what you need to make your content shine in 2025!

What are Content Marketing Tools?

Content marketing tools are software or applications that help create, manage, and distribute content effectively. They make it easier to plan, execute, and track the success of content marketing strategy.

These tools can range from social media schedulers to SEO analyzers. They help marketers reach their audience with the right message at the right time.

By using these tools, businesses can improve their online presence and engage with their audience more effectively. They’re essential for anyone looking to boost their content marketing efforts in today’s digital world.

Each tool serves a unique purpose, making them valuable assets in a marketer’s toolkit.

Top 34 Content Marketing Tools

Discover the ‘Top 34 Content Marketing Tools’ that are revolutionizing how we create, manage, and optimize content in the digital era. 

1) Hubspot


HubSpot is an ideal platform for consolidating a variety of marketing tools into a single, centralized location. It offers scalable systems and tools that help in the seamless growth of your business. The marketing hub encompasses a range of content marketing tools suitable for different business scales, including useful website popup examples.

  • Pricing: HubSpot’s pricing is structured to accommodate various business sizes:
    • Free Plan: Basic tools for startups and small businesses.
    • Starter Plan: Starting at $50/month, suitable for growing businesses.
    • Professional Plan: Priced at $800/month, designed for larger businesses.
    • Enterprise Plan: Starting from $3,200/month, ideal for extensive business operations.
  • Best Use For: HubSpot is particularly effective to automate your marketing systems and align your sales teams. It is an excellent choice for companies that aim to integrate their marketing and sales activities on a unified platform.

Beyond features like chatbots and live chats, HubSpot’s WordPress plugin supports efficient marketing management. Its world-class CMS is crucial for those looking to centralize and automate marketing systems, ensuring a streamlined process for both marketing and sales teams. This integration is vital for maintaining a competitive edge in the fast-evolving digital marketplace.

2) Sender


A great content marketing tool assists through all stages of the sales funnel.

Sender is a GDPR-compliant marketing automation tool that offers a comprehensive suite of features to assist businesses through all stages of the sales funnel. It is equipped with tools like popups, embeddable forms, emails, and SMS, catering to various phases including lead generation, nurturing, and closing.

Use automation to send engaging email & SMS sequences to your list on complete autopilot and segmentation to communicate relevantly with highly targeted groups within this list.

With a strong focus on user experience on one hand and email inbox deliverability on the other, Sender seamlessly integrates with the most popular CMS and CRM tools, including Magento, WooCommerce, WordPress, PrestaShop, Shopify, and more.

Here are more specifics:

  • Pricing: Sender’s pricing structure includes a highly accessible ‘Free Forever’ plan, which provides:
    • Unlimited email automation.
    • Advanced segmentation tools.
    • The capacity to send up to 15,000 emails to a maximum of 2,500 contacts.
    • This plan is particularly beneficial for small and medium businesses or startups looking to leverage advanced marketing tools without initial investment.
  • Best Use For: Sender is exceptionally versatile, suitable for a wide array of businesses including e-commerce, bloggers, and enterprises of all sizes. Its functionality is ideal for enhancing communication through product announcements, welcome emails, content distribution drips, online sales campaigns, and more.

3) Appy Pie Design

Appy Pie Design

Appy Pie Design emerges as a dynamic tool for content marketing, offering a suite of features that streamline content creation, distribution, and analysis. With its emphasis on user experience and automation, Appy Pie’s AI design tools make content marketing accessible and effective for businesses of all sizes. Here’s what you need to know:

Pricing: Appy Pie Design introduces a versatile pricing structure to accommodate various needs:

  • Free Plan: Perfect for starters, including essential Designs.
  • Basic Plan: Available at $8/month, ideal for individual content creators seeking more functionality.
  • Professional Plan: Priced at $20/month, it provides comprehensive tools for professional marketers.
  • Business Plan: Starting at $40/month, it’s designed for businesses needing advanced content strategy and analytics tools.
  • Unlimited Plan: Available at $60/month for unlimited access to all features. Suitable for large enterprises and agencies.

Best Use For: Appy Pie Design is invaluable for marketers, bloggers, and businesses looking to elevate their content strategy without the complexity. It’s useful for those needing an all-in-one platform that helps create engaging content and its distribution and performance analysis, ensuring a holistic approach to content marketing.

4) Uniqode


Uniqode revolutionizes content marketing by bridging physical and digital campaigns through customizable QR Codes. This tool is ideal for creating dynamic, branded QR Codes that link to videos, forms, landing pages, or social media profiles, helping marketers drive engagement and track campaign performance with built-in analytics.


  • Individual Plans: Starting at $5/month.
  • Business Plans: Starting at $15/month.
  • Free 14-day trial available.

Best Use For:

Uniqode is perfect for marketers looking to integrate QR Codes into their strategies. Whether it’s for promotional videos, event RSVPs, product demos, or feedback collection, it ensures seamless campaign management and precise performance tracking. Additionally, it supports bulk QR Code creation, making it highly scalable for large campaigns.

5) WordPress


WordPress stands as a pivotal tool in the content marketing landscape, elevating blogging and editorial content creation to new heights. Known for its user-friendly and customizable templates, WordPress simplifies the process of building and managing a website for your business. Here’s a closer look:

  • Pricing: WordPress offers a flexible pricing approach:
    • Free Plan: Ideal for beginners, providing basic website building tools.
    • Personal Plan: Starting at $4/month, suitable for personal use.
    • Premium Plan: Begins at $8/month, offering advanced design options and tools for freelancers.
    • Business Plan: Starting at $25/month, designed for small businesses with additional features for customization and branding.
    • eCommerce Plan: Begins at $45/month, tailored for online stores with comprehensive eCommerce features.
  • Best Use For: WordPress is highly effective for businesses and individuals aiming to create and manage a website with ease. It’s particularly beneficial for those who require a scalable platform that grows with their business.

6) Google Docs

Google Docs

Google Docs is essential for anyone using word processor applications, especially for content writers. It facilitates collaboration, making it perfect for drafting articles and preparing presentations. Here’s a detailed look:

  • Pricing: Google Docs is free, ideal for all sizes of businesses, especially startups and small companies.
  • Best Use For: Best for teams needing real-time collaboration on documents. It’s great for drafting, editing, and content management.

7) Trello


Trello is a standout content marketing tool designed to enhance team collaboration. Essential for those with a dedicated project team, Trello utilizes lists, boards, and cards to optimize teamwork. Here’s a closer look:

  • Pricing: Trello offers a range of plans:
    • Free Plan: Suitable for individuals or small teams, offering basic features.
    • Business Class: Starts at $10/user/month, providing advanced tools for growing teams.
    • Enterprise Plan: Pricing varies based on the team size, tailored for large organizations with comprehensive collaboration needs.
  • Best Use For: Trello is ideal for teams focusing on content scheduling, content writing, and sharing. It’s perfect for those who value organization and increased productivity in their content marketing efforts.

Trello stands out amid endless collaboration tools out there. Furthermore, the layout will help you focus on your planning quest.

8) Airstory

If your work or business involves gathering research or writing an informative paper, Airstory is your friend. This tool will help you get through the days when writer’s block is getting to you. You can export your notes and research all in one place. You can step up your collaboration game if working with other writers on a project. Airstory makes your writing and researching much easier since you can save images and quotes and smoothly drag and drop them to any writing application.

  • Pricing:
    • Pro Writer Plan: $25 per month, offering 100 GB of storage, unlimited cards for research, writing projects, kanban boards, outlines, and collaborators, full access to the Airstory Researcher, and all integrations.
    • Heavy Duty Writer Plan: $125 per month, including all Pro Writer features plus 1000 to 5000 GB of storage​​.
  • Best Use For: Airstory is best utilized by professionals who manage extensive research and content creation, particularly useful for academic writers, content creators, and teams requiring seamless integration of research into their writing.

9) Grammarly

Grammarly is yet another tool that improves the quality of your content significantly. Grammarly helps you identify any grammar mistakes littering your content. You do not have to be naturally detail-oriented to churn out excellent pieces. All you need for editing, proofreading and reducing your error rate is Grammarly. 

You can save yourself the embarrassment of sharing content with spelling and grammar mistakes. Use Grammarly for articles and also social media and content forums. People are more likely to take you seriously when your content is always grammatically correct and engaging. 

  • Pricing:
    • Free Plan: Offers basic writing suggestions, tone detection, and text generation.
    • Premium Plan: Starting at $12 per month, this plan includes everything in the Free plan plus full-sentence rewrites, vocabulary ideas, tone suggestions, and more.
    • Business Plan: Starting at $15 per member per month, this plan builds on the Premium features with additional team-oriented capabilities like centralized billing and style guides​​.
  • Best Use For: Grammarly is ideal for individuals and teams looking to improve the quality of their written content. It’s particularly beneficial for non-native English speakers, content creators, and businesses requiring consistent and error-free communication.

10) Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO

SEO is essential for business success in the world of today. And content forms a significant part of a potent SEO strategy. Yoast comes in handy when writing SEO-targeted content. It is a life saver, and the best thing is that it is one of the best SEO WordPress plugins that are easy to use. You can use Yoast to optimize your content for specific keywords, editing meta-descriptions and URL slugs

You can also use this tool to find relevant internal links and abstract away technical SEO tasks. Yoast has indicators that make it easier to grade if you have optimized your page correctly. You can get an insight into what tweaks you can make to improve your page. You need the Yoast plugin to take your SEO game to the next level.

  • Pricing:
    • Free Version: Offers essential SEO features without cost.
    • Premium Plan: Priced at 99 EUR per year, this plan includes advanced SEO-boosting features, 24/7 support, and access to all Yoast SEO academy courses​​.
  • Best Use For: Yoast SEO is best suited for website owners, bloggers, and businesses looking to optimize their content for search engines. It is particularly valuable for WordPress users seeking to enhance their site’s SEO with user-friendly tools and comprehensive analysis.

11) Canva

You want your site to have lots of high-quality images and graphics that will keep your visitor glued and coming back for more. Photoshop is an option, but it is not always cheap or easy to use. It may take you ages to develop something with it. Canva is one of the best photoshop alternative. It has pre-built templates and layouts that come in handy when you do not have all the time and creative juices to create something beautiful. You can use a different layout for different platforms. 

  • Pricing:
    • Canva Free: $0 per month. This plan offers 250,000 free, customizable templates, over 100 design layouts, over 1 million free photos and graphics, real-time collaboration features, 5GB cloud storage, and various file format exports​​.
    • Canva Pro: $14.99 per month or $119.99 per year. Canva Pro includes all the features of the free plan, with additional premium content and capabilities, such as advanced design tools and increased storage​​.
    • Canva for Teams: Variable pricing based on the number of users. This plan is tailored for larger companies and teams, offering enhanced features for collaboration and brand control​​.
  • Best Use For: Canva is ideal for individuals, professionals, and teams looking for an easy-to-use graphic design tool. It’s particularly useful for creating social media graphics, presentations, posters, documents, and other visual content. The platform caters to both beginners and seasoned designers, offering a wide range of templates and design elements that simplify the design process.

12) Buzzsumo


Buzzsumo is an excellent content marketing research tool that works great because it is multi-purpose. Buzzsumo makes your work easier when doing content research and tracking performance metrics. You no longer have to play guessing games when doing content curation and influencer marketing. You can analyze your content to see what performs better. Looking at social shares and backlinks gives you an insight into aspects of your offerings that most people like.

  • Pricing:
    • Content Creation Plan: $199 per month (billed yearly). This plan is designed for marketers and marketing agencies focusing on advanced content creation and includes features like unlimited searches and alerts for 1 user​​.
    • PR & Comms Plan: $299 per month (billed yearly). Suitable for agencies that need to monitor media coverage and track trends, this plan supports up to 5 users with unlimited searches and custom alerts​​.
    • Suite Plan: $499 per month (billed yearly). Ideal for large marketing teams and agencies, offering access for 10 users, with unlimited searches and more alert options​​.
    • Enterprise Plan: $999 per month (annual billing only). This plan provides comprehensive access for larger organizations and agencies, supporting 30 users with extensive search and alert capabilities​​.
  • Best Use For: Buzzsumo is best used for content engagement analysis, trend tracking, and outreach opportunities in digital marketing. It serves content creators, PR professionals, and digital marketers for content discovery, media monitoring, and influencer research. The tool is crucial for enhancing content strategy and competitive analysis.

13) Ahref

Ahref is very instrumental for SEO research. It is helpful in various ways, from keyword research to tracking the ranking of keywords. Ahref also allows you to see what the competition is doing. You can analyze the competitor’s keywords and traffic to help you make the best strategies for your business. Ahref works great at handling project performance reports that are essential for in-depth SEO research.

  • Pricing:
    • Lite Plan: $99 per month.
    • Standard Plan: $179 per month.
    • Advanced Plan: $399 per month.
    • Agency Plan: $999 per month​
  • Best Use For: Ahrefs is ideal for SEO professionals and marketers for backlink analysis, competitive research, and keyword tracking. It’s well-suited for businesses focused on enhancing their SEO strategies and online presence.

14) SEMRush

SEMRush allows you to view the keywords that are working for your competitors and gives them an edge. You get an insight into what keywords will bring more organic traffic your way. SEMRush is great for search marketing. Entering a URL into SEMRush gives you tons of keyword data to get you ahead of the competitors. It also helps you see the ranking for the keywords you use for your content. You can use SEMRush to check your and your competitors’ backlinks.

15) Pexels

You need your content to have a little spice and personality. High-quality images offer you that. However, it can be a task to find pictures on the internet that are not under copyright or do not have expensive licensing fees. And that is where Pexels comes to save the day. This tool offers incredible professional images that you can use to improve your content. The best thing is that you do not need to spend even a cent. Its search mechanism helps you find the most suitable picture for your content.

  • Pricing: Pexels does not list specific pricing, as it offers free stock photos and videos under the Creative Commons Zero license. There are no fees for setup, trial, or premium services​​.
  • Best Use For: Ideal for content creators, designers, and businesses needing quality visual content without licensing fees. Useful for budget-conscious projects requiring high-quality imagery.

The tool exposes you to creative experts who bring your ideas to a video reality. Your content gets a competitive edge when you sprinkle it with beautiful videos, photographs and social media posts. There are many simple tools for making videos, and whenever you need to record videos, you can just use this screen recording on Mac.

16) Visually


More people are opting for video content nowadays. It is no surprise that video sites like TikTok and Youtube are experiencing massive growth. High-quality visual content will draw your audiences’ attention, increasing the likelihood of conversion. Visually comes in handy for creating high-impact visual content. The tool exposes you to creative experts who bring your ideas to a video reality. Your content gets a competitive edge when you sprinkle it with beautiful videos, photographs and social media posts. 

  • Pricing: Visually’s pricing varies based on project scope, as it’s a creative marketplace. Users can request a quote by providing company information​​.
  • Best Use For:Best for businesses that need professional visuals but don’t have an in-house team. It connects you with experts who create custom infographics, videos, and social media posts. After creating content, use link building to promote it. For example, if you’ve made an infographic, you can share it through Infographic Link Building to reach more people.

17) Leadfwd

Generating leads makes it easier to achieve conversions and have more people interested in your offerings. There should be a way to make potential leads out of the random visitors that log into your site. Leadfwd allows you to do just that. Leadfwd makes it easier to follow up with people visiting your website. You can use the analytic details about visitors on your site to curate relevant content that will resonate with the audience. Leadfwd also offers you real-time insight using artificial intelligence.

  • Pricing:
    • Starter: This plan is free and includes features such as connecting 1 mailbox, engaging 100 contacts, 50 Email Finder credits, contact management, and email sequences​​.
    • Solopreneur: Priced at $39 per month, this plan offers unlimited mailboxes, engaging up to 20,000 contacts, 1,000 Email Finder credits, plus additional features like SMS Outreach and Sales Navigator Prospector​​.
    • Pro: At $139 per month, this plan includes engaging up to 100,000 contacts, 3,000 Email Finder credits, and advanced features like LinkedIn Automation and Visitor ID and Intent Data. Additional users can be added for $19/user/month​​.
  • Best Use For: Leadfwd is ideal for businesses focusing on B2B sales prospecting and sales outreach automation. Its features are particularly suited for solo entrepreneurs and small to mid-sized sales teams looking to enhance pipeline growth and accelerate sales processes.

18) Google Analytics

There needs to be a metric to measure the effectiveness of your content marketing strategies. Google Analytics helps you track different metrics. That way, you will know whether to keep on with them or tweak them. You can monitor visitor behaviors, their geographical location, and your performance goals. This tool is easy to use. You do not need to be an expert to understand Google Analytics.

  • Pricing:
    • Standard (Free): Google Analytics offers a free version available to anyone with a Google account, which comes with limited data.
    • Google Analytics 360 (Paid): Priced at $50,000 per year or approximately $4,166 per month. The pricing for Google Analytics 360, a more advanced version, changed in 2022 with a base price based on usage and scaling up in monthly cost based on the number of monthly events​​.
  • Best Use For: Google Analytics is best used by businesses and marketers looking to track website traffic and user behavior. The free version is well-suited for small to medium-sized businesses, while Google Analytics 360 is ideal for larger enterprises requiring detailed data analysis, more custom dimensions, and higher data limits.

19) WritersAccess


Education, authoritative, and credible content is king in the content marketing space. High-quality content sets you apart and increases your chances of ranking highly on search engine results pages. Taking your content to the next level ultimately impacts your content marketing game. WritersAccess exposes you to a network of freelance writers, designers and editors. You get to work with the best people for your project. Working with professionals makes your content exude skill, interest, expertise and excellent language.

  • WritersAccess Pricing:
    • Basic: $39/month
    • Pro: $59/month
    • Premium: $99/month
  • Best For: Businesses needing content without in-house writers, offering cost-effective access to vetted freelancers.

20) Hiver

Another great tool to make team collaborations hassle-free is Hiver. This customer service software allows you to run all your sales and customer service operations from the comfort of your Gmail inbox. As a content marketer, you find yourself writing the same emails day in, day out. Hiver lessens the burden of repetition since it has email templates for frequently used emails. Also, with Hiver, your team can work collaboratively via email without sending unwanted remarks to the recipient.

  • Hiver Pricing:
    • Lite: $15/user/month (annual) or $19/user/month (monthly)
    • Pro: $39/user/month (annual) or $49/user/month (monthly)
    • Elite: $59/user/month (annual) or $69/user/month (monthly)
  • Best For: SMEs heavily reliant on email, especially in e-commerce and real estate, benefiting teams needing collaborative email management. Less suitable for large organizations or those needing extensive third-party integrations.

21) ProProfs Chat

ProProfs Chat​

Live chat tools have incredible potential. Unfortunately, most content marketers do not make the most of them. You can leverage the power of Live chat using ProProfs Chat. The tool not only allows you to chat with website visitors but also helps you understand what your visitors want from your site or product. Having insight into this brings you closer to providing the utmost customer satisfaction. Use ProProfs Chat to assess chat history and transcriptions. That way, you can identify the top queries and concerns on live chat. Then, you can create the perfect content and products that meet the needs of your user base.

  • Pricing: Free for single operators; $19.99/operator/month (billed annually) for teams.
  • Best Use: Ideal for businesses needing instant customer engagement and support, with features like chat routing, data analysis, and extensive integration options.

22) ClickFunnels

You want to turn all your leads into conversions, and ClickFunnels make that dream a reality. ClickFunnels helps guide your site visitor through the entire sales process. Use this tool to create hang-out funnels, auto-webinar funnels and membership funnels. ClickFunnels points readers in the direction of the product that will best suit their needs. That helps you eliminate costs associated with lost sales. ClickFunnels goes further to offer Facebook content marketing tools and automated email services. You can also use it to follow up with visitors long after they have left your site.

  • Pricing:
    • Standard Plan: $97/month or $970/year, with access to 20 funnels and 100 sub-pages.
    • Platinum Plan: $297/month or $2970/year, offering unlimited funnels and sub-pages.
    • Two Comma Club X Plan: $2,497/month or $29,964/year, also with unlimited funnels and sub-pages, but without a yearly discount​​.
  • Best Use For: ClickFunnels is ideal for businesses and entrepreneurs focused on building, designing, and launching sales funnels to generate leads and sales. The platform is particularly suited for those looking to create and manage multiple marketing funnels, with advanced features for email marketing and affiliate management available in higher-tier plans. Today there are more affordable, feature-rich ClickFunnels alternatives that enjoy higher popularity with users, one of them being. 

23) Constant Contact

Contact Contacts help you interact with your audience, driving sales. The marketing platform has lots of predesigned templates and drag-and-drop editing features. Constant Contact will make it easy to create and run your social media campaigns and also keep your audience glued to your content via email newsletter. You can integrate Constant Contact with other tools like WordPress, Canva, Shopify, etc. It also allows you to monitor your campaigns’ success, stay on top of social media marketing and generate the best landing pages. All these features are in one place!

  • Pricing:
    • Lite Plan: Starting at $12/month.
    • Standard Plan: Starting at $35/month.
    • Premium Plan: Starting at $80/month​​.
  • Best Use For: Constant Contact is well-suited for small businesses and beginners in email, text, and social media marketing. The platform offers a user-friendly interface with features for easy list management, drag-and-drop templates, and time-saving automations. It is particularly effective for small teams and businesses looking to enhance their email and social marketing efforts​

24) Brightedge


Creating content is an essential marketing tool. However, the content has to be visible to the customers and target audience for it to have an impact and encourage conversions that drive sales. Brightedge helps you optimise your content. You get to find out what your target audience searches for on the internet. Once you know the needs of your audience, you can create content that meets their needs and resonates with them. Brightedge also allows you to measure your digital content performance. Tracking performance helps you understand where to improve your content and what works for you. Use Brightedge to curate a robust content marketing strategy that will delight your target audience.

  • Pricing:
    • Brightedge’s pricing is around $4,000 per month, targeting enterprise-level businesses with bespoke plans​​​​.
  • Best Use For: Brightedge is best suited for large organizations focusing on enhancing their SEO strategies. It’s particularly useful for tasks such as improving website SEO value, conducting extensive keyword research, and competitive analysis. The platform is also ideal for businesses looking to optimize large content catalogs and increase their online visibility and authority.

25) Hootsuite

Hootsuite is an excellent social media management platform. You can use it to manage all your social media accounts in one place. You no longer need to constantly log in and out of countless social media profiles to keep tables on everything. Hootsuite can automatically generate posts at a specified time, helping you save time. However, if it is too expensive for you, you can use free Hootsuite alternatives.

  • Pricing:
    • Professional: For 1 user and 10 social accounts.
    • Team: For 3 users and 20 social accounts, with additional collaboration features.
    • Enterprise: Custom plan for larger teams, offering advanced features like social ads management and analytics​​.
  • Best Use For: Hootsuite is ideal for managing multiple social media accounts, offering post scheduling, social monitoring, and analytics. It’s particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized businesses and marketing teams requiring centralized social media management​

26) Kred

Creating content is necessary for content marketing. But that is not enough. Have strategies and ways to get your content for people to read. That involves partnering with influencers who can amplify your message on their platforms. Kred comes in handy by helping analyze Facebook and Twitter activity so that you can know which influencers will benefit your marketing campaigns the most. You can build your influencer status to enhance your online presence. Improving your online presence will boost your content and spread your message to a broader audience.

  • Pricing:
    • Kred does not have a standard pricing structure readily available online. Instead, they offer custom quotes based on the specific needs of the individual or organization​​.
  • Best Use For: Ideal for enhancing digital and social presence, establishing thought leadership, and engaging communities, especially for bloggers, content creators, and CEOs.

27) Loom


Loom is a user-friendly tool that will ease the job of creating video presentations and tutorials. It is good when you have to explain complex topics that need a visual aid for better explanations. Loom will help your content marketing efforts by helping you create and embed tutorials. These are especially helpful for technical walkthroughs.

  • Pricing:
    • Starter Plan: Free, includes up to 25 videos per person with a maximum length of 5 minutes per video.
    • Business Plan: $8 per user per month, offers unlimited videos and recording length, high-definition recording up to 4k, along with all the features of the Starter Plan​
  • Best Use For: Best suited for screen recording and video content creation, with features like video privacy controls and team workspace, useful for individuals and teams.

28) Clariti


Clariti stands out as one of the best content marketing tools due to its robust connected communication capabilities that enable seamless collaboration and organization. Its AI-powered platform integrates emails, chats, documents, and calendar events into cohesive contextual hybrid Conversations, allowing content marketing teams to work together more effectively. By contextualizing conversations, Clariti minimizes the need to switch between multiple tools, reducing information silos and making it easier to track the progress of various content projects. This ensures that every team member has access to relevant information, enhancing productivity and streamlining content workflows.

  • Clariti Pricing
    • Clariti offers free trial.
    • Premium pricing starts from $9 per user per month, making it a cost-effective choice for growing content marketing teams.
  • Best Use For: Organizes ideas, timelines, and task assignments within connected hybrid Conversations. Fosters immediate communication and feedback among writers, designers, and other stakeholders. Keeps all related content, analytics, and feedback in context for easy reference. Seamlessly integrates external emails with internal chats to maintain a single contextual hybrid Conversation for each project.

29) Tweriod

Tweriod is a free Twitter tool that enables you to utilize Twitter to get maximum benefits from it. It lets you analyze up to 1000 followers so that you can use them in the right direction. The tweets you made along with the tweets that your followers are making will be thoroughly analyzed. Tweriod will provide you with an automated generated report that further helps you know which time is best to post your tweets. With every report, you can plan your strategy accordingly.

  • Pricing:
    • Tweriod starts at $2.50 per license​​​​.
  • Best Use For: Tweriod is best suited for small businesses and startups that are looking to optimize their social media presence, especially on Twitter. It helps in determining the best times to post for maximum engagement and reach.

30) Mailchimp


Mailchimp is more inclined towards email marketing. And nothing can beat the impact of email marketing in the realm of content marketing. Whenever you are planning to market your content Mailchimp can be your go-to partner in that. It lets you create your campaigns and provide you with a complete report to learn about the strategies you are using to reach your target audience. Well, it gives a lot more to plan and execute.

  • Pricing:
    • Free Plan: Basic features for new businesses or users just starting out.
    • Essentials Plan: Starting at $13 a month, ideal for email-only senders who want around-the-clock support.
    • Standard Plan: Starting at $20 a month, suitable for growing businesses looking for more automation and data-driven tools.
    • Premium Plan: Starting at $350 a month, designed for high-volume senders who want advanced customization and analytics​​.
  • Best Use For: Mailchimp is ideal for businesses of all sizes looking to conduct email marketing campaigns. It offers tools for email creation, automation, analytics, and customer relationship management, making it suitable for marketing campaigns, newsletters, and targeted promotions.

31) Reddit

When you wish to connect with like-minded people and see what they are searching for then you can use the Reddit community. Reddit has a huge user base where people from different areas as well as with different interests share their experiences. It has specific communities and subreddits that include everything to help you boost your content marketing. So, if you are planning to make some effective changes in your marketing strategy, then using Reddit can be a good option.

  • Pricing:
    • Reddit advertising starts at $5 per day. The platform uses auction-style ads, with bids starting at $0.20. The cost varies depending on competition for the target audience​​.
  • Best Use For: Reddit advertising is ideal for businesses looking to engage with niche communities and targeted audiences. It’s particularly effective for brands seeking to build community presence, increase brand awareness, or promote specific products or campaigns to a highly engaged user base.

32) SocialPilot


SocialPilot simplifies your social media management with a suite of tools designed for scheduling, publishing, and analyzing your social media presence. It caters to individuals and businesses of all sizes, offering a user-friendly interface and features to streamline your workflow.


SocialPilot offers a variety of plans that makes it fit for every marketer/business:

  • Free Trial: Experiment with core features before committing.
  • Professional Plan: This plan starts at $25/month and is ideal for managing 10 social media accounts with basic scheduling and analytics.
  • Small Team Plan: Priced at $42/month, this plan expands to 20 social media accounts and accommodates up to 3 users. It also includes a content library for organized post creation.
  • Agency Plan: For $85/month, you can manage 30 social media accounts with unlimited users. This plan is perfect for agencies and larger teams and includes client approval for a smoother flow.
  • Agency+ Plan: This plan is priced at $170/month, and you can manage 50 social media accounts. In addition to all the features from the above plans, you also get a white label feature to give your brand a professional touch.

Best Use For:

SocialPilot is a valuable tool for small businesses, marketers, and individuals who want to manage multiple social media accounts efficiently. It’s ideal for scheduling posts, collaborating with teams, and gaining insights into social media performance.

33) Mashshare

Sharing your content is equally significant and you probably already know that. Mashshare is a huge social media ecosystem that can help you share your content across all social media platforms. After all, everyone is using social media nowadays, and sharing your content helps you grow faster. From Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and WhatsApp, to almost all major social media platforms, you can add any button to your content and make it shareable.

  • Pricing:
    • Personal Plan: $39, use on 1 site with 1 year of updates and regular support.
    • Business Plan: $119, use on 3 sites with 1 year of updates and regular support.
    • Pro Plan: $199, use on unlimited sites with 1 year of updates and priority support​​​​.
  • Best Use For: Mashshare is most effective for bloggers, content creators, and businesses seeking to enhance their social media presence and engagement. It is particularly useful for those who want to increase social sharing and track the performance of their content on various social media platforms.

34) GetResponse


If you have a long email list then it will be a little easier for you to reach people and let them know about your offers or services. In fact, the impact of email marketing is way more than any other strategy that you may employ. That’s because you get the chance to land directly into a user’s inbox directly. They will quickly see what you have to say. Of course, only if it interests them. The autoresponders of GetResponse will automatically initiate events and emails based on the previous actions of recipients. Check out this GetResponse review to find out more about its unique features.

  • Pricing:
    • Email Marketing: $19 per month or $13.2 per month when billed annually.
    • Marketing Automation: $59 per month or $41.1 per month when billed annually.
    • Ecommerce Marketing: $119 per month or $82.9 per month when billed annually.
    • GetResponse MAX: Custom pricing​​​​​​​​.
  • Best Use For: GetResponse is well-suited for businesses and marketers focusing on email marketing, marketing automation, and ecommerce marketing. It’s especially useful for those who require advanced marketing tools like automation, integrations, and detailed analytics.

35) Ubbersuggest

Right before the content creation, you need to search for the keywords and content ideas so that people will read what you are writing. Ubbersuggest is one such tool that can give you amazing results along with SEO reports. With SEO reports you can see which keywords are popular and which phrases are getting more attention. Not only this but also it can help you with social media as well. You can take advantage of keywords that are creating a buzz in the market or on social media.

  • Pricing:
    • Individual Plan: $12 per month or a lifetime subscription for $120.
    • Business Plan: $20 per month or a lifetime subscription for $200.
    • Enterprise Plan: $40 per month or a lifetime subscription for $400​​.
  • Best Use For: Ubersuggest is ideal for SEO professionals and website owners looking to improve their site’s search engine ranking. It’s particularly beneficial for keyword research, site audits, competitive analysis, and rank tracking.

36) Writecream


Writecream AI represents a groundbreaking leap in the realm of artificial intelligence-powered content generation. By harnessing advanced algorithms and a vast repository of data, Writecream has honed its ability to produce articulate and compelling textual content across a myriad of topics. Whether it’s crafting informative blog posts, persuasive marketing copy, or engaging narratives, Writecream excels in delivering content that captivates audiences and meets diverse communication needs with precision and flair.

At the core of Writecream’s functionality lies its ability to comprehend context, style, and tone, allowing it to generate content that seamlessly aligns with the desired objectives and resonates with the target audience. Its adaptive algorithms adapt to varying requirements, ensuring that the output is not only coherent but also tailored to specific preferences and specifications.

Furthermore, Writecream AI’s efficiency and reliability empower users to produce high-quality content at scale, saving valuable time and resources while maintaining standards of excellence.


WriteCream offers a flexible pricing approach:

  • Free Forever: $0/month for 20 Credits, including various content options and support.
  • Unlimited (Limited Offer): $29/month for unlimited Credits, offering limitless content generation and full access to features.
  • Standard: $49/month for 200 Credits, providing a generous allowance for content creation along with comprehensive support.
  • Extended: $69/month for 750 Credits, ideal for heavy users requiring extensive content generation capabilities and premium support.

Best Used For:

The best use for Writecream AI lies in its ability to streamline and enhance content creation processes across a spectrum of applications. Whether you’re a blogger seeking fresh article ideas, a marketer crafting compelling copy, or a business owner in need of engaging website content, Writecream offers invaluable assistance. Its versatile features, including unlimited word generation and access to diverse content templates, cater to various needs with efficiency and precision.


Exploring these 32 content marketing tools gives you many options to enhance your digital marketing strategy in the year ahead. Each tool has specific features and benefits, focusing on different aspects of content creation, distribution, and analysis.

These tools help marketers create campaigns that are more engaging and effective. By working with a link building expert like Outreach Monks, you can further extend your content’s reach, making sure it resonates with your audience and ranks well.

To get the most out of these tools, it’s important to understand how digital interactions and consumer behavior are changing. As the digital landscape evolves, these tools will be essential in helping businesses stay ahead, offering new ways to connect with audiences and measure success.

The future of content marketing looks promising. With these tools, businesses can create more personalized and creative campaigns. Embracing these innovations will be key for making a strong impact in the digital world.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I choose the right content marketing tool for my business?

Select a tool based on your specific needs and goals. Consider factors like the size of your business, target audience, and the type of content you produce. Trial versions and user reviews can also guide your decision.

Can content marketing tools improve SEO?

Yes, many content marketing tools offer SEO features to help optimize content for search engines, increasing visibility and organic reach.

Are there content marketing tools suitable for small businesses or startups?

Absolutely. There are several budget-friendly and user-friendly tools designed specifically for smaller businesses, offering essential features without overwhelming complexity.

How do content marketing tools integrate with other marketing software?

Most tools offer integration capabilities with popular CRM, email marketing, and analytics platforms, allowing for seamless data flow and consolidated marketing efforts.

Is it necessary to use multiple content marketing tools simultaneously?

Not always. While some businesses benefit from using a suite of tools for different purposes, others may find a single, comprehensive tool sufficient. It depends on your marketing strategy and operational capacity.