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Top 7 SEO Benefits Of Responsive Web Design

Responsive web design

When it comes to creating a winning website, a responsive design is one of the significant elements. It improves the user experience and secures high SEO rankings for your website. Although Google has not been vocal about its algorithms, it has definitely implied the importance of responsive web design as a ranking factor. Not surprisingly, designers and marketers go the extra mile to ensure a structurally and visually responsive website. Before digging deep into the benefits of responsiveness, let us explain how to achieve it in the first place.


Understanding Responsive Web Design

A Responsive Web Design entails web pages that render seamlessly across different devices regardless of the screen sizes. It ensures a comparable website experience, no matter how users access it. Since mobile traffic makes up half of all web traffic, you cannot afford to ignore this segment of the audience. You must ensure that your website is accessible and easy to navigate, even on a small screen. It’s the only way to reach mobile audiences and convert them into loyal buyers.

Benefits of a Responsive Web Design

Although responsiveness produces a better user experience, many website owners go slack with it. But failing on this front means missing out on a significant number of potential buyers. Beyond serving a mobile-friendly user experience, there are many more benefits of a responsive design. Let us explain them in detail. Good web design companies will work with you to understand your business goals and objectives and then create a responsive website that helps you achieve those goals.

Google prioritizes mobile-first

google mobile seo

Google takes a mobile-first approach because it aims to provide valuable and accessible content to users. As a greater number of users rely on mobile devices for web searches, it is crucial for websites to render seamlessly across all devices. Also, the Google algorithm prioritizes user-friendly sites, and responsiveness is an integral element. Investing in responsive design supports your SEO efforts and boosts the site’s ranking.

Improved Usability of the Website

A responsive design makes your website faster, more accessible, and easier to navigate on all devices. It translates into improved usability which makes the users stick around and explore your offerings. They can even find something specific without massive effort, so the chances of conversions get better. Not to mention, fantastic usability may encourage users to come back to your website in the future.

Better customer experience

Enhanced usability translates into a positive experience for users, which is the key selling factor for any online brand. A great UX can easily turn visitors into subscribers, leads, and loyal customers in the long run. Moreover, it is a plus point for Google when it comes to allocating search rankings to websites. A responsive design is surely a win-win investment on both fronts.

Faster loading speed

Page speed is another critical SEO factor that impacts website ranking. The loading speed can make or break a user’s experience with your site. Online buyers are an impatient lot, and even a few seconds of delay is enough to drive them away for good. A responsive website resolves the concern as it improves the site loading speed on mobile and desktop devices. So your visitors and search engines are happy alike!

Lower bounce rates

A high bounce rate is a reason to worry as it indicates that users have reasons to immediately leave your website. Maybe, they are not happy with the loading speed, or the UX is not good enough. Likewise, your content may not be a match for user intent. An unresponsive design is another reason for the high bounce rate, as users expect websites to work seamlessly on all devices. Reworking your web design to lower the bounce rate makes sense.

Avoid duplicate content

A responsive design entails attention to your site’s content and UX. It gets you in a better place to prevent pitfalls like content duplication. When building or redesigning your site, you may end up creating two versions which can lead to duplicate content issues. But responsive web design best practices emphasize creating a single, mobile-responsive version of your website. So you need not stress about duplicate content issues.

More social shares

Social shares are an excellent way to promote your website and brand. A responsive design empowers your site with a greater number of social shares because users can easily engage with your site and share the content they like with a click. More social traffic means more users visiting your site, and they may convert into customers or subscribers for your business eventually.

A responsive website is the cornerstone of a fast and flawless mobile experience, which translates into the success of your business in the long run. While you should plan for it from the get-go, a design rework is a viable option for existing websites built without responsiveness in mind. So you should consider the design investment sooner than later.

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Organic SEO Techniques to Start with In 2022

organic SEO

Search traffic is the lifeline of businesses today, as nothing matters more than getting visitors to a website. There is hardly a chance of selling online unless you get them to land on your site. Visitors explore your offerings and learn more about your brand after accessing your website. They move down the conversion funnel and seal the deal if everything is good enough. But traffic is where everything begins, so you must do your best to get it for your website. While there isn’t a magic formula to instantly increase your search traffic, you can rely on some tactics to achieve the goal. Here are a few tips to drive an instant traffic boost for your website.

Prioritize User Experience

user experience

Rankings and traffic depend mainly on the user experience your website delivers. UX is one of the top-ranking factors in the Google algorithm, so you cannot afford to ignore it. Even the best-looking site with high-quality content may fail on the SEO front if it does not match the UX expectations. Luckily, you need not do much to deliver a great experience to your visitors. Start with intuitive navigation that enables the visitors to reach the target pages and products effortlessly. Ensure high loading speed because a slow one does not work for search engines and users alike. Likewise, mobile responsiveness is another UX factor you cannot miss out on. Excel on all these fronts to get an instant increase in your web traffic.

Optimize For Users

This one is a no-brainer because SEO success hinges on user intent. A website aligning with user intent is likely to impress search engines, gain ranking, and attract more traffic. Moreover, optimizing for visitors makes them stick and return again for repeat buying. You can begin by finding your buyer personas and creating the site’s design and content for your ideal buyer. The key lies in tapping the pain points of your personas and targeting the keywords they often use in search queries. If your buyer personas are happy with your website, the search engines will push it up, and the traffic surges automatically.

Start A Business Blog

business blog

A well-optimized business website gives you a good start, but adding a blog can do wonders for incoming traffic. You must regularly publish informative, valuable, and long-form posts for your readers. Once again, follow their intent and address their questions in the posts to get more visitors organically. Quality content is the mainstay of organic seo, so opt for evergreen topics, valuable information, and readable formats to get the best outcomes. These features can make your website a niche authority, attracting readers with trustworthy content. Search engines also love fresh content, and they reward you with high rankings.

Leverage the Power of FAQ Schema

If you want a quick boost in your SEO results and traffic, using FAQ Schema Markup is an excellent option. While users love FAQ pages for the valuable information they deliver, the benefits extend much beyond. Properly marked-up FAQ pages have the potential to become rich results in Google searches. It means your website is more likely to be visible, and there are better chances of landing traffic for it. The best part is that adding FAQ Schema to your pages and posts is pretty straightforward as you can do it with the help of a tool. The practice takes a few minutes but drives impressive and sustainable results for your website.

Empower Your SEO with Google My Business

Google My Business goes a long way to consolidating your presence on local searches. It earns high visibility as potential customers can see your local address, contact information, and links to your website. The list also includes maps and buyer reviews, so more users are likely to access your physical location and online website to check out your offerings. Positive reviews play a significant role as they boost trust in your brand and create an interest in your offerings. Moreover, you can optimize your listings with the right keywords to rank for local searches. Excellent local SEO has immense benefits, from boosting your rankings to bringing in more traffic to elevating the foot traffic at your location.

Link Internally

Adding internal links to your content is another viable strategy to gain an instant ranking and traffic boost. Look to add a few links while creating and publishing content as it is easy to achieve the goal during the process. It enables you to push traffic to other pages of the website. Moreover, you can actually take the user down the conversion funnel by directing them to a product page from an informative blog post. Visitors stay on your site longer, view more pages, and get more value out of your website. Google sees these factors as a trust signal and improves your ranking automatically. A higher ranking translates into more traffic.

Get Quality Backlinks

Google prefers websites with a lot of incoming links, specifically from relevant and authoritative sources. Invest in high-value blogger outreach and guest posting plan to get quality backlinks for your website and consolidate your backlink profile eventually. Use legit strategies to build links, as the last thing you want to encounter is a penalty due to a black-hat approach. You can encourage clients, partners, suppliers, and industry mavens to link to your site. A greater number of links take your website higher up the search rankings and attract more traffic, provided you stick with honest strategies and chase quality instead of numbers.

Besides going the extra mile with quality SEO, you can leverage the power of social media to drive more traffic to your website. Start by creating attractive social media pages for your brand and building a following with regular user interactions. Promote your content on social media by sharing links for blog posts and guest posts. Engaging topics and compelling social media posts will definitely make people click and reach your website through these posts. Just be authentic, and winning the traffic game for your website will be a breeze!